Diversity is our top priority! We don't just want to focus on sport, but also on women's health and the taboo topic of periods.


Our aim is to empower women and educate them about the different cycle phases, what's happening in our body during each phase and it's effects on the body and mind. Our trainers are experts in (women's) health and nutrition.


On top of that we are a diverse team that also incorporates cultural backgrounds into the classes.

Our Instructors

Pilates Girls

(CHI)chi & (YA)semin

We opened Studio CHIYA because we know what it’s like to struggle with our cycles. For years, we both dealt with painful periods and unpredictable energy levels, and no doctor seemed to have real answers. When we discovered cycle syncing, it changed everything—suddenly, our bodies made sense.


We realized how powerful it is to adapt movement to the phases of the menstrual cycle, instead of forcing ourselves into the same routine every day. Studio CHIYA was born from this experience: a space where women can reconnect with their bodies, honor their rhythm, and feel strong at every phase.


Our mission is simple: to help women embrace every phase of their cycle and offer them a personalized, empowering way to move that feels right—every single day.

Ready to optimize your workout?

Contact us today to find out more about our specially tailored training for women. Let's start your cycle sync health journey together

Neutorgasse 13
1010 Vienna


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